root@kali:~# fierce -h
usage: fierce [-h] [--domain DOMAIN] [--connect] [--wide]
              [--traverse TRAVERSE] [--search SEARCH [SEARCH ...]]
              [--range RANGE] [--delay DELAY]
              [--subdomains SUBDOMAINS [SUBDOMAINS ...] | --subdomain-file
              SUBDOMAIN_FILE] [--dns-servers DNS_SERVERS [DNS_SERVERS ...] |
              --dns-file DNS_FILE] [--tcp]

        A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --domain DOMAIN       domain name to test
  --connect             attempt HTTP connection to non-RFC 1918 hosts
  --wide                scan entire class c of discovered records
  --traverse TRAVERSE   scan IPs near discovered records, this won't enter adjacent class c's
  --search SEARCH [SEARCH ...]
                        filter on these domains when expanding lookup
  --range RANGE         scan an internal IP range, use cidr notation
  --delay DELAY         time to wait between lookups
  --subdomains SUBDOMAINS [SUBDOMAINS ...]
                        use these subdomains
  --subdomain-file SUBDOMAIN_FILE
                        use subdomains specified in this file (one per line)
  --dns-servers DNS_SERVERS [DNS_SERVERS ...]
                        use these dns servers for reverse lookups
  --dns-file DNS_FILE   use dns servers specified in this file for reverse lookups (one per line)
  --tcp                 use TCP instead of UDP