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آموزش مخفی سازی اطلاعات با steghide

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در این آموزش شما یاد خواهید گرفت که چطور با استفاده از ابزار steghide اقدام به پنهان سازی اطلاعات در تصویر های خود کنید.

نصب ابزار steghide

جهت نصب ابزار steghide در لینوکس کافیست دستورات زیر را در ترمینال لینوکس خود وارد کنید:

sudo apt-get install steghide

در ادامه از شما سؤالی مبنی بر ادامه دادن نصب ابزار steghide خواهد پرسید که با زدن y نصب این ابزار تکمیل خواهد شد.

مخفی سازی اطلاعات در عکس با steghide

بسیار خب ما به یک عکس با فرمت JPEG نیاز داریم به همراه یک فایل TXT که حاوی اطلاعات محرمانه ماست.

در ادامه با وارد کردن دستورات زیر میتوانیم اقدام به مخفی سازی فایل TXT در فایل JPEG کنیم:

steghide embed -cf matin.jpg -ef security.txt

به جای matin.jpg آدرس تصویر خود را وارد میکنید و بجای security.txt آدرس فایل TXT خود را جهت مخفی سازی آن در تصویر matin.jpg می دهید.

در ادامه از شما پسورد میخواهد که بایستی برای این فایل مخفی سازی شده یک پسورد نیز قرار دهید.

کسب اطلاعات از محتویات مخفی شده در تصویر

جهت مشاهده اطلاعات مخفی شده در تصویر باید از دستور زیر استفاده کنید:

steghide info matin.jpg

در ادامه با وارد کردن پسورد قادر به شناسایی اطلاعات مخفی شده خواهید بود.

نحوه استخراج اطلاعات مخفی شده در تصویر

حال میرسیم به مرحله استخراج اطلاعات در تصویر ، که برای این کار باید از دستور زیر استفاده کنید:

steghide extract -sf matin.jpg

در ادامه با وارد کردن پسورد اطلاعات شما از تصویر خارج خواهد شد و قادر به بررسی آن خواهید بود.

دقت داشته باشید که بجای matin.jpg باید آدرس تصویر خود را وارد کنید ، ما در این مثال ها فرض را بر این میگیریم که الان در دایرکتوری Desktop هستیم و تمامی فایل ها برروی Desktop می باشند.

می توانید جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر مطالب زیر را مطالعه کنید:

       Steghide  is  a steganography program that is able to hide
       data in various  kinds  of  image-  and  audio-files.  The
       color- respectivly sample-frequencies are not changed thus
       making the embedding resistant against first-order statis­
       tical tests.

       Features  include  the  compression  of the embedded data,
       encryption of the embedded data  and  automatic  integrity
       checking  using a checksum. The JPEG, BMP, WAV and AU file
       formats are supported for use as cover file. There are  no
       restrictions on the format of the secret data.

       Steghide uses a graph-theoretic approach to steganography.
       You do not need to know anything about graph theory to use
       steghide  and  you  can safely skip the rest of this para­
       graph if you are not interested in the technical  details.
       The  embedding  algorithm  roughly  works  as  follows: At
       first, the secret data is compressed and encrypted. Then a
       sequence  of  postions of pixels in the cover file is cre­
       ated based on a pseudo-random number generator initialized
       with  the  passphrase (the secret data will be embedded in
       the pixels at these positions). Of these  positions  those
       that  do not need to be changed (because they already con­
       tain the correct value by chance) are sorted out.  Then  a
       graph-theoretic  matching  algorithm  finds pairs of posi­
       tions such that exchanging their values has the effect  of
       embedding  the  corresponding  part of the secret data. If
       the  algorithm  cannot  find  any  more  such  pairs   all
       exchanges  are  actually  performed.   The  pixels  at the
       remaining positions (the positions that are  not  part  of
       such  a  pair)  are  also modified to contain the embedded
       data (but  this  is  done  by  overwriting  them,  not  by
       exchanging  them  with other pixels).  The fact that (most
       of) the embedding  is  done  by  exchanging  pixel  values
       implies  that  the first-order statistics (i.e. the number
       of times a color occurs in the picture)  is  not  changed.
       For  audio  files  the  algorithm is the same, except that
       audio samples are used instead of pixels.

       The default encryption algorithm is Rijndael  with  a  key
       size  of  128 bits (which is AES - the advanced encryption
       standard) in the cipher block chaining mode. If you do not
       trust  this  combination  for whatever reason feel free to
       choose  another  algorithm/mode  combination  (information
       about  all  possible  algorithms and modes is displayed by
       the encinfo command).  The checksum  is  calculated  using
       the CRC32 algorithm.

       info, --info
              Display information about a cover or stego file.

       encinfo, --encinfo
              Display a list of encryption algorithms  and  modes
              that can be used. No arguments required.

       version, --version
              Display  short  version  information.  No arguments

       license, --license
              Display steghide's license. No arguments  required.

       help, --help
              Display a help screen. No arguments required.
       You  should  use  the  embed  command if you want to embed
       secret data in a cover file. The following  arguments  can
       be used with the embed command:

       -ef, --embedfile filename
              Specify  the  file  that will be embedded (the file
              that  contains  the  secret  message).  Note   that
              steghide embeds the original file name in the stego
              file. When extracting data (see below) the  default
              behaviour  is  to  save  the embedded file into the
              current directory under its original name. If  this
              argument is omitted or filename is -, steghide will
              read the secret data from standard input.

       -cf, --coverfile filename
              Specify the cover file that will be used  to  embed
              data.  The cover file must be in one of the follow­
              ing formats: AU, BMP, JPEG or WAV. The  file-format
              will  be  detected  automatically  based  on header
              information (the extension  is  not  relevant).  If
              this argument is omitted or filename is -, steghide
              will read the cover file from standard input.

       -sf, --stegofile filename
              Specify the name for the stego file  that  will  be
              created.  If  this argument is omitted when calling
              steghide with the embed command, then the modifica­
              tions  to  embed  the  secret  data  will  be  made
              directly to the cover file without saving it  under
              Specify  the  compression  level.  The  compression
              level can be any number in 1...9 where 1 means best
              speed and 9 means best compression.

       -Z, --dontcompress
              Do  not  compress  the secret data before embedding

       -K, --nochecksum
              Do not embed a CRC32 checksum. You can use this  if
              the  secret  data  already  contains  some  type of
              checksum or if you do not want to embed those extra
              32 bits needed for the checksum.

       -N, --dontembedname
              Do  not  embed the file name of the secret file. If
              this option is used, the extractor needs to specify
              a  filename  to  tell  steghide  where to write the
              embedded data.

       If you have received a file that contains a  message  that
       has  been  embedded with steghide, use the extract command
       to extract it. The following arguments can  be  used  with
       this command.

       -sf, --stegofile filename
              Specify  the  stego  file  (the  file that contains
              embedded data). If  this  argument  is  omitted  or
              filename is -, steghide will read a stego file from
              standard input.

       -xf, --extractfile filename
              Create a file with the name filename and write  the
              data that is embedded in the stego file to it. This
              option overrides the filename that is embedded  int
              the  stego  file.  If this argument is omitted, the
              embedded data will be saved to the  current  direc­
              tory under its original name.

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